Eugene & Hima WE-ACTx wedding donation site

Eugene and Hima were fortunate to be able to visit Rwanda while Eugene’s mom, Mardge, was working there last January. They saw the WE-ACTx clinic as well as participated in caring for patients at the nearby hospital, CHUK, within the infectious disease department.  They were so moved by what they saw, and by the people they met, and want to nurture their connection with Rwanda and WE-ACTx.

They are asking their family and friends to celebrate their love and marriage by donating to WE-ACTx to help women and children in Rwanda also have healthier and happy lives.

Here’s what your donations will do:

$30 emergency social assistance for a week
$75 transport for 1 child to weekly support groups for a year
$150 SOSOMA nutritional supplement for a youth with HIV and his/her family of 6 for a year
$250 supports a clinical nurse for a month
$500 supports youth program coordinator and 20 youth peer parents for a month

To donate Click here



To Donate by Mail:

Mail your tax deductible donations made payable to WE-ACTx to:

584 Castro Street #416
San Francisco, CA 94114

415-863-4676 x3

WE-ACTx is a US based, 501C3 tax exempt organization, EIN# 56-2572210

Learn more about WE-ACTx at or click here

Women's Equity in Access to Care & Treatment